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Arviouss King Arthur
01:43:44 Oct 31st 09 - Mr. Arvious IX:

The Story of King Arthur - Arvious Edit


A long time ago, in the land of England, there was a kingdom ruled by a man named Uther Pendragon.  He was a noble and majestic man, who gave help to all in his kingdom.  He vanquished his enemies with ease, and brought peace to all of England.  His wife, Igraine, was majestic as well.  She was the fairest lady in all the realm, and is much loved by her king.

In his court, there was an old man in blue gowns with a wooden staff.  His hair was white as snow.  His name was Merlin, and he was the most powerful enchanter of all the realm.  Even though magic was frowned upon, Merlin, due to his sage, was chosen to be Uther's personal adviser.

One day, Igraine gave birth to a baby boy.  They named him Arthur.  That same day, Merlin approached Uther in great secrecy.


"Yes, Merlin, what is it?" Uther asked.  "I am very busy right now, to make preparations for the feast for my son."
"Ah," Merlin replied.  "Your son is what I wish to talk to you about.  You, of course, know of my magical prestige.  Well, I have seen a prophecy of the future, and it is grim for you."
"Well, what is it that is so horrible for me that you hesitate?" Uther asked the old man.
"You... have AIDS."

The two men stared awkwardly at each other, for a while.

"You have AIDS, my liege."
"...where the hell did I get AIDS from!?"
"Remember that time you spent campaigning in Northern Wales?  Well, while you were over there, you had some.. well, some very fine brew.  Some men approached you, aaaand..."
"...those mother fu-"
"Yes, they probably do a bit of that too.  Anyhoo, when you married Igraine, you probably gave her AIDS too.  Soooooo, you're both probably going to die in a day or two."
"So, what, does Arthur have it?" Uther demanded of Merlin.
"No, I injected him with the cure for AIDS, shortly after he was conceived."
"Wait, if you have the cure, why can't you just hea-"
"Now, I will need to take your son away to a far away place, so that no one wants to kill him and claim your kingship when you die."
"Fine, take him.  Hmm, since my wife has AIDS, does that mean that I can't do anymore harm to... well, you know."
"Too much information, sire.  Good day."
"More like good night for me."

[Sorry for the wierd formatting, I don't know what is causing it, and I don't plan on finding out.]

06:40:56 Oct 31st 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

You know its actually believed that Merlyn was a direct descendant of the Original founders of Camelot (before is was Camelot)

When it was a colony it was supposedly held by his family (who were of pure Roman breed) but Merlyn and Uther were both the first to break the traditional pure Roman breed in the blood line of each of the allied factions.

The bloodlines of the Britannicus (Merylns family) and the Pendragon family were mixed through a series of 2 or 3 weddings to tie the allied factions together not just by being allies but brothers.

A book series i refer to you would be the Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte.

Starting with The Skystone it starts off wiht the Britannicus and the fight for the colonies existance after the fall of the roman empire, and as time progresses in the series itself more factors come into play.

He literally takes the Myth as says... if this were true this is the most reasonable explanation of it and how it happened and it would have fit in the chronical timeline here.

he does a damn good job to , i recommend.

03:22:25 Nov 11th 09 - Sir Samulis The Noble:

Read the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica. That's choc full of Arthurian legind mixed with all sorts of biblical, historical, and crazy side leginds and plots.

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